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Service Levels
FREE and Simple First Time Setup
Easy to Use - Access from Anywhere
Comprehensive Customer Support

Service Levels

Choose the level of support you need for each request

Our goal is to make filing customs declarations as easy as possible! That's why we offer two levels of service:

  1. Full Service
  2. Comfort Service

1. Full service

New to filing customs declarations or need an extra quality check for urgent orders? Choose Full Service!

Call us for assistance during the order process - whether you have questions about what to fill in or need help with documentation codes, we're here to help. Full Service includes 15 minutes of expert advice. If your application is rejected by Customs, we'll contact you to discuss changes. You will then be able to reopen, amend and resubmit your application in your Order Overview at no extra cost.

>> Additional charge: £10 per application.

2. Comfort service

Experienced with customs declarations? With the Comfort Service level, you can complete your application on your own.

We'll check your application for completeness before submitting it to Customs. This reduces the risk of rejection and helps to avoid unnecessary delays. If your application is rejected, we'll email you with clear instructions on what needs to be corrected or added. You can then reopen, amend and resubmit your application in your Order Overview at no extra cost.

>> No additional charge, this service is always included.